We were canvassing in IL14 Congressional District today and met at a Starbuck’s to pick up lit and lists. I guess our clipboards were disturbing because the manager called the police. I can only imagine what would have happened if the vast majority of us had not been white and we had not skewed to a more mature age. This is not what democracy should look like. Is this something that would have happened a few years ago? You read about how this President has emboldened people to act and speak their hatred, but it hits home when you experience it. I can’t say what motivated the police to be called here — or for them to send 3 squad cars, but there was no question about what motivated the white guy on the train a few weeks ago who was shouting at passengers to “go back where you came from” and “you don’t belong here” while invoking the name Trump. All the more reason to exercise our rights and to confront hatred and racism wherever we find it — which I did.